
The National Environmental Coalition on Invasive Species (NECIS) is a partnership of environmental organizations and professional societies dedicated to strengthening the nation’s response to invasive species, with a particular focus on preventing new invasions. Since its founding in 2003, NECIS has worked to develop and deploy legislation, regulations, and resources needed to:


Stop the spread of existing invaders

Africanized honey bee, photo by Sajjad Fazel


Stop the intentional introduction of new invaders

Flowering kudzu, photo by Peggy Greb


Stop the unintentional import of new invaders

Brown Tree Snake, photo by Gordon Rodda DOI

To achieve these goals, NECIS supports the development and implementation of needed policy reforms. By conducting policy advocacy, research and analysis, and outreach and education, NECIS seeks to make the case that we can effectively address the challenges posed by invasive species and to drive the development of the policies and programs necessary to predict and prevent the introduction and spread of invasive species in the United States. Read how we work to accomplish these goals >>